Which Online Casino Reviews Should You Trust?
So you are thinking about trying an online casino. Maybe you saw a few advertisements on the web. Perhaps you are an avid gambler, but really can’t afford to drive or fly to places like Vegas or Reno. In order to find the best ones, most people look for the best online casino reviews. But how do you know if they’re real? Here are three tips you should always use when evaluating whether or not the online review site for casinos is legitimate or not.
How Much Information Is There?
The easiest way to tell if an online casino review site is actually telling you about the casinos they are reviewing has a lot to do with how much information there actually is. For instance, if you see a website that is reviewing 15 different online casinos, and there are only a couple sentences on each one, this was probably hastily thrown up, and the information is more than likely not representative of any of the casinos that they have links to.

On the other hand, if there is quite a bit of information that goes into detail about the different games available at each casino, no deposit bonus information, and specific information that can only be found by logging into each site (not on the main page) then this reviewer has probably done their homework and is actually providing you with legitimate information.
Information about Who Can Sign up
One of the largest drawbacks for those in the United States is the fact that most online casinos are fearful of the federal laws that were passed in the US which make online gambling virtually illegal. However, many online casinos have special deals with Visa and MasterCard, for both debit cards and credit cards, so that American players can actually sign up.
If the reviewer has actually done their research, once you go to the site, you should see an American flag or MasterCard and Visa logos that reference the fact US players are welcome to sign up. On the same note, reputable review sites will also provide you with an FAQ section that will detail exactly what to look for when choosing the best online casino for you.
Online Casino Reviews
Online casino reviews are a very important part of finding an online casino. You should always be aware of the MasterCard, Visa and American Flag logos on the casinos you visit. Try to keep in mind that the Visa and MasterCard have an evil twin known as the “EuroCard”. As you can see by the name of the brand, it is not for Americans. If you are looking for casinos accepting US players, then you should browse through the online casinos below.
Online Casino Rules

Online casinos are bound by certain rules by their bank as a respectable merchant. They must follow their rules as to not disrupt their business. Unfortunately many are missing out on the abundant flow of US Players wanting to get involved in their casino. It is rare, but you can find over a hundred casinos accepting MasterCard, Visa and US Players. You just have to know where to look! It is vital that you check up to date information on each online casino to ensure you are not visiting a dud!
Spotting a Bad Casino
Quite recently we were reviewing several online casinos which had very bad reputations for paying out customer winnings. When we heard of this, the entire review process stopped. We put down our pens and walked away from representing that online casino. All of the online casinos on our website have excellent customer service and will pay out on time.
How to Find US Friendly Online Casinos
If you are in the United States, and you would like to play an online casino, you may be apprehensive of doing so because of federal legislation which apparently frowns upon this type of online activity. However, in the last few years, many online casinos have formed relationships with Visa and MasterCard so that players in America may also be able to participate. Here are some tips you should consider when looking for a US friendly casino online that will not only accept your Visa or MasterCard.